Wind Surfing: How To's

Tacking is an important part of windsurfing and, of course, it's best to start learning when there are light winds. Usually, at this level, most time is devoted to the gybe move, and the carve tack is a variation of this, a transition that you need and will give you the confidence to get on smaller boards and go out in stronger winds. When done well, the tack can also look impressive. Watch Sam Ross teach you how.

It's time to learn how to do some aerial freestyling with the Vulcan move, also known as the Air Gybe or even Big Mac Tack move. Make sure your chop hop and popping skills are up to par because you'll need them for this windsurfing move, which is the gateway move to getting into modern freestyle. The video from windsurfer Sam Ross gives all the details you'll need to learn this move like the back of your hand.

how to
How to Windsurf This tutorial is for everyone who is trying to learn how to windsurf. If you already know how to windsurf and just want to freshen up on the theory or if you have never tried it and want to give it a go, this is the series to check out.

how to
How to Start to wind surf Starboard made this video in order to make an intro to windsurf. It's a windsurf academy video that goes over the start to windsurfing. It covers basic techniques like equipment setup, tacking, gybing and getting up.

Check out this instructional wind surfing video that demonstrates how to rig your windsurfing sail with Nils Rosenblad, Naish sail designer. Once you've decided what sail to use for the current conditions, you can check the end of the bag that tells you the proper mass and boom length to use. Make sure you have a proper mass and a boom that will fit. Follow the simple step by step instructions outlined in this wind surfing tutorial video and learn how to rig no cam sails on a windsurfing kit.

Check out this instructional wind surfing video that demonstrates how to rig cam sails on a wind surfing kit. It's important to use the recommended mass to get maximum performance out of your sail. Just follow the simple step by step instructions outlined in this wind surfing tutorial video to learn how to assemble and rig the cam sails on a wind surfing kit.

Check out this instructional wind surfing video that demonstrates how to rig a stealth sail on a wind surfing board. This is a great video for beginners learning to wind surf and need to set up their own wind surfing board. Now rig up, get on the water, and enjoy wind surfing on your new stealth.

how to
How to Go windsurfing Thinking of trying something new this weekend? How about wind surfing? Take a look at this instructional video and learn how to assemble and rig up your board for windsurfing. The board has a lot of parts to it, so be sure to follow these instructions step by step as it meticulously details all of the essential components you'll need to wind surf. This tutorial also covers how to rig steer and tacking so you can change course as you wind surf. Terminology is also explained in this tutorial. A...

In this how-to video, you will learn to do a windsurfing beach start. This can prove to be more difficult than you think. Watch out for the fin, as if you are too close to the shore, it can snap off on the bottom.

In this how-to video, you will learn to do a windsurfing water start. This is difficult for all levels of windsurfing. In order to do this properly it will take some practice, so keep at it and have fun.

Tim and Noah use basic materials to make a variety of wind-powered land cruisers!

Modifying a surf board so you can use it as a kite board is demonstrated in this video.

This interactive flash tutorial shows you how to do a forward loop when windsurfing. You can watch the whole thing in action and then see the step by step breakdown.

This interactive flash tutorial shows you step by step how to do a duck jibe when windsurfing. After seeing each step, it shows you the entire move in motion.

This interactive flash tutorial goes over the different steps you can do to keep speed through your jibes when windsurfing and gives some tips on what's most important to remember.

This interactive flash tutorial explains how to do a sail and body 360 move when windsurfing.

This interactive flash tutorial shows you step by step how to do a body drag when windsurfing.

The Willy skipper 540 has two main parts to it and is a more complex turn. Follow along with this interactive flash tutorial as it breaks down the two parts of this windsurfing move for you.

Josh Stone illustrates how to do a table top forward move when windsurfing. The interactive flash tutorial shows you each step of the move.

This interactive flash tutorial shows you how to flat-water loop when windsurfing. The guide takes you through each step of the move with a nice breakdown.

This interactive flash tutorial breaks down a heli tack into step by step parts so you can easily learn what you need to do. Check it out and then go practice your heli tacks the next time you're windsurfing.